Monday 24 February 2014

Part D Arts Skills Share

My skills
  • Clay-mation
  • To create a video using clay
  • Take a screenshot every time you move your figure 

  • Desktop Publishing
  • Create a poster advertising a event 
  • Also so a copyright task

  • Photo-Shop
  • you can edit your photographs  from downloading them on to the computer or you can get images off the internet to edit

  • Photography
  • Plan a photo shoot and do a photoshoot 
  • Do risk assesments if going off site
  • Plan what you equipment you need 

  • flash 
  • To edit vector images  off the internet
  • You could draw your own

I want to do photography and explain to a small group on different camera angles and shots and about different effects and cameras such as bridge dslr and budget cameras  and different lighting

I would take screen shots and add text to the images explaing how you would do macro shots using the camera amd i would do it like a step by step giude

I wanted to chose photography because i enjoy taking pictures of different objects, buildings and places. Also i am going to put a step-by-step up on how to do macro photography.

To make this project happen, I would need to go through the following stages of planning:
1.       Decide on which camera to use
2.       Take some practice shots to feel comfortable with the camera
3.       Decide on what types of photographs to take pictures of
4.       Take the pictures and upload them to my blog to share with others
5.       Add a description to explain how it has been done

6.       Finish off this project with an evaluation

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Heroes and Heroines

Introduction to Hero's and Heroins
I want to study Rav Wilding.
I want to write about  Rav Wilding because i like to watch him presenting some programmes i watch.
I would like to include all the jobs   he had done before he started being a tv presenter and how then became a tv presenter.

What i found out about Rav Wilding are:
  • He had to quit splash! with a life threatening injury and hje had to have surgery because he also damaged his hamstring.
  • He also done a three month programme in the Austrlian Jungle.
  • Hes been in 71 degrees north Strictly come dancing
  • Rav and Aliona were eliminated in the third week from strictly come dancing.

'Crimewatch' celebrates 20 years on our screens this year, and continues to highlight and help solve crimes all over the UK

·         Why did I choose Rav Wilding for my research?
I chose Rav Wilding because i found it interesting on the jobs he has or had and how he started to present on tv.

·         Where did I get my research? I got some of my research from Crime watch.Crime watch roadshow and Helicopter Heros and also looking on vaurious websites.

·         What Do you think about his career?
he first started being a presenter when he stared in a programme on tv which lead him to be either one of the presenter on  Crime watch.Crime watch roadshow and Helicopter Heros.

·         What do you think about his work on TV? I thought he made an excellent  presenter because he kept  the storys short and also when doing Helicopter heroes he explains different accidents and how much it costs to run one of Yorkshires air ambulances on a daily basis and per accident they respond to.

·         What influence do they have on me?
The influences they have on me is that you have got to try your best to become what you want to be in your working life.

Did they make me want to be a TV presenter?
They dont make me want to be a TV presenter because i would get my words / sentences mixed up.

I felt this project went really well and i enjoyed to the research on Rav Wilding because i found some interesting facts out about him

Monday 2 December 2013

MY Coloured Zebra

Today i am going to make a start on to colouring the zebra in and if i dont get finshed today i will finish my zebra next week.
Today i got my zebra finished and i used a paintbrush to paint the orange and i used a paint bucket to the purple, pink and blue colors. When doing the background i chose a paint inside tool so it didn't matter if i scribbled over the green,blue,pink or purple  and it made it easier to do the background. I enjoyed doing this because it gave us an understanding on different graphics and we were able to  our own vector graphics.


I have learnt how to use different tools on flash and also how to import pictures on to flash. 
I think  the edges could of been straighter and colors could have been brighter. However, I enjoyed working on this project and doing something new and creative.

Monday 25 November 2013

My Zebra in outlines

This is the out line of my zebra all i have to do now is to add a new layer and add different colours.

Monday 18 November 2013

My Zebra starting to trace and outline

Today i am going to do more outline on my animation and add some colour if i get that far
This is what i have done in this lession.