Monday 30 September 2013

To day we were doing some animation and today we used modelling clay to create models and i made a carrot and a tortoise.

I really enjoyed doing this because it makes us think what we want to make and do.

Monday 23 September 2013

I enjoyed doing this on Photoshop because i enjoyed messing about with the different effects.
I have learnt how to use the different effects on Photoshopand learnt how to ude photoshop.

Monday 16 September 2013

My blog will include media such as:
Animation (web)
Stop motion
Photos-Drawings,  photographs and photoshop
links to other websites

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Hi my name is Yasmin.
Hi my name is Yasmin.
I played a zombie 
in this short pop up film 
for my Bronze art award. 
This film was made 
at the Pop up Cinema 
at the shopping centre at 
Eldon Square in Newcastle, 
we filmed our short film 
on the 3rd of September 2013. 
I done this 60 second 
film as part of my media 
course also I am a student at  
Middlesbrough College. 

This is me and my group explain 
what roles we had played in the film.