Tuesday 12 November 2013

Visit to Star Radio

Today we went to Star Radio.
 We had a chance to few the studios and we went in the presentation room on the bussiness floor.
We all spoke to different staff members and asked them some questions on there job.
 Also we got to hear about all the different roles the newsrepoter has to do also we had found out what type of job roles the djs done and what type of jobs the business department done and what other staff had to do.
Also we found out what you had to do to start working in a radio station to gain experiance to start working there you would need to do vountary work to start off and work your way p once ou have got a job and enough experiance.
Also if you are a newsreporter and jounalist you always ave to be on your toes seacing for stories and report them.

I thought the visit went really well and i enjoyed seeing the different roles people do within the radio.

 This women meets with clients to set prices for adverts to go on the radio and she also does preentations

1 comment:

  1. Part B: Explore the Arts as an Audience mber

    You have described your visit and discussed the kinds of opportunities for working at Star Radio. Good comments and photographs, but you could also have included your comments as to how you felt about the visit.
